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The Grace Factory provides maternity packs to new moms in need

Oct 07, 2023

Chanté Ho Hip

Africa Melane chats to the founder of The Grace Factory, Amy Westerman, about what the non-profit does and how listeners can assist.

The Grace Factory has been supporting moms and babies for the last 10 years.

It all began when Westerman did not know what to do with her daughter's baby clothing which she had outgrown.

When my daughter Aaron Grace was small, she had a lot of clothes that she had outgrown and I just didn't know where her clothes could go and who in need I could give them to.

Over the years, the non-profit has supported numerous children's homes across Gauteng in addition to providing maternity packs for new moms in hospitals.

Each pack includes nappies, wet wipes, newborn clothing, various toiletries, and many more essentials for the new mom and baby.

Westerman adds that while the team is eager to reach as many women and children as possible, the organisation solely relies on its volunteers and supporters.

Monetary donations as well as pre-loved baby growers and blankets are welcome.

To find out more about how you can help, visit The Grace Factory website.

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