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21 Jokes About Adulthood That Are Funny And Sad

Apr 26, 2023

I know I'm the adult, but it'd be great to have, like, a secondary adult to tell me what to do. An Emotional Support Adult.

BuzzFeed Staff

A thing I never realized about being an adult is that you will always be cleaning your kitchen. No matter if you get take out, no matter if you’re gone all day, you will be cleaning. the. kitchen.

One thing no one ever talks about being an adult is how much time you debate yourself on keeping a cardboard box because it's, like, a really good box.

how tf did i take all those classes when i was in school?? now if i have one meeting and get groceries the same day i fall apart

i wanna be 14 again and ruin my life differently… i have new ideas

Adulting is putting back the $4.86 pack of chicken and getting the $4.66 pack because that twenty cents adds up.

No one:Me laying in bed:

I wish I could go back in time and tell my younger self about the reality that adulthood is mostly just trying to figure out wtf you're eating for dinner every night, forever.

adulthood is mostly just trying not to say "are you fucking kidding me" to people who have gotta be kidding you

Being an adult is so weird.I'm just unsupervised all the time?How unsafe

Guy detailing my car: Yeah, your kids had gold fish all under your seats.Me( a child-less, 32 yr old adult) Darn those kids. No more eating in the car.

One of the saddest things about being an adult is forgetting what you ordered on Amazon and excitedly opening up a 2 pack of air filters.

Being an adult really just means you have an upstairs bottle of ibuprofen and a downstairs bottle of ibuprofen

Being an adult is having the "we have food at home" talk with yourself.

Nobody talks about Jesus' miracle of having 12 close friends in his 30s

Most adult friendships are just figuring out whose turn it is to cancel plans.

"Being an adult is like folding a fitted sheet: no one knows how." — Furman University

adult emailing culture is overthinking how polite you sound and forgetting to send the attachments

When parents say to kids "go to ur room & think about what you've done" it's really good practice for what you'll do every night as an adult

Being an adult is terrible but I thank God everyday that I don't have to randomly run a mile at noon against my will and then go on about my day like we did in school